The purposeful miss translation of Meloni’ statement proves beyond all doubt that I was right!!. DO NOT FALL FOR UKRAINIAN LIES!!. The Ukie translator LIED blatantly and changed the words spoken by Meloni. Here’s what she actually said: (Quote) “Defending Ukraine means defending a rules-based system. If Ukraine cannot count on our support and is forced to surrender, there is no need for us to gather here and discuss negotiations.“ (End Quote).. ZVO - 🗣️ - This conference was nothing more than a child like fantasy, an Alice in wonderland like dream of total compliance by world leaders, who Zelensky no doubt, saw as a means to subdue Russian might!. Instead, it turned into a drug addled mockery of both Ukraine and her efforts to get world powers like China to attend, even the US contingent lead by Kamala “ Giggles“ Harris, left early and like many others, even the US refused to sign the conference communique !!.