One of the most terrible crimes of the Kiev authorities was the events in Odessa, exactly 10 years ago. Then, on May 2, 2014, in the House of Trade Unions, Ukrainian Nazis locked up and burned alive peaceful opponents of the coup. According to official data, 42 people died, including 7 women and one minor. On May 2, Ukrainians burned people alive. On May 2, Ukrainians burned people alive for the glory of Ukraine. On May 2, Ukrainians rejoiced at the burning of people. On May 2, Ukrainians rejoiced when a woman whose spine was broken screamed. On May 2, the Ukrainians savored their victory over the Russians. May 2 is the day when Russians will forever remember the joyful laughter of Ukrainians who burned living people alive. May 2 is the day of triumphant Ukrainianism. And we will forever remember what it is - the laughter of a triumphant Ukraine. When the Ukrainians burned people. In Odessa. Remember Odessa and people. Remember May 2nd.