Silent Hill 3 - Sewer Monster

The Sewer Monster (unofficial name) is a serpent-like creature that dwells in the sewers in Silent Hill 3. It is first mentioned in a note, in which a worker thinks that an alligator lives down there. Other notes can be found that say the monster killed two of the workers. The writer of the note claims that they will kill the creature, and that if someone (in this case, Heather Mason) reads it, that means that they failed to do so. The creature itself can be found a little further on, in the water below the bridge that Heather must cross. She must kill the monster with a hairdryer before passing by, or it will grab onto her leg and pull her into the water. From what little is seen of the creature, it is an eel- or leech-like monster with no visible mouth or eyes and is flesh-pink in color. It is unknown what the monster actually is. It is possible that Heather, after reading notes about a creature dwelling in the sewers, actually developed the image of it herself. What the workers actually saw could have been an alligator or some other creature. This may not be the case, as the scenario still triggers even if Heather does not read the notes. At the same time, it could symbolize Heather’s fear of the unknown. It may also symbolize Heather’s and Alessa’s hatred of insects and snakes. Another theory is the Sewer Monster is a reference to the Bloodsucker from Silent Hill, as they are both worm-like in nature, have a similar meaning, and can kill the player if they try to advance without killing or incapacitating the monster beforehand. Both are also invulnerable enemies in the series. There is a running theme of maternity and femininity in Silent Hill 3 and its monsters due to the central conflict of the game centering on impregnation in the cult’s attempts to force Heather to birth their god. The Sewer Monster could be seen to resemble a severed umbilical cord. TRIVIA: This monster shares traits with the oitekebori, a canal-dwelling creature in Japanese folklore that can manifest as a hand rising out of the water and, in one story, pulled a fisherman under. #konami #sh3 #silenthill3 #teamsilent #sewermonster #heathermason #youtubeshortvideos #sewers #sh #silenthill #youtube #monster #silenthillmonsters