Antias & Secret Domain — 12x06 showcase • Ambient

1. Amanita Phalloides and Heavenchord — Ancient Light 2. Linger — Silent Trigger 3. Skytechnic — Sea of Clouds Beside II 4. Skytechnic — Sea of Clouds Beaide IV 5. Linger — Places Unknown 6. Amanita Phalloides and Heavenchord — Philokalia 7. Heavenchord — Rustling Leaves 8. Skytechnic — Sea of Clouds Beside I 9. Amanita Phalloides and Heavenchord — Windchimes 10. Amanita Phalloides and Heavenchord — Cast Away 11. Amanita Phalloides and Heavenchord — Moonlight on Prismatic Sea