Gundam feels the Call of Duty in this new Collaboration Bandai Namco Entertainment America worked closely with Bandai Namco Filmworks and Call of Duty to craft a collaboration that's sure to satisfy both Gundam fans and Call of Duty Players. Each Operator Skin, Sticker, Weapon Blueprint, Emblem, and everything else was designed with one goal in mind: showing love to our fans and showing CoD fans what Gundam is all about. Available now! The Tracer Pack: Mobile Suit – MS-06S Zaku II shows off Zeon's ace pilot, Char Aznable. The Red Comet takes to battle with the classic Zaku Machine Gun, Heat Hawk melee weapon, and Warship Destroyer rifle. Ruthlessly eliminate foes with the savage Searing Slash finishing move, and proudly display loyalty to Zeon with weapon charms, stickers, and more. CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE® III, CALL OF DUTY: WARZONE ™, and CALL OF DUTY: WARZONE MOBILE players will be able to purchase these new Operator Skins - Don't miss out! F