Components of Pedagogical Culture of Teachers at Educational Organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service

the article considers a problem of improving professional-pedagogical culture of teachers of educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service. The research is relevant, since there is a lack of scientific understanding of the essence, content and structure of this phenomenon in the context of activities of departmental educational institutions and teachers have certain difficulties in introspection and planning their professional development. Purpose: to analyze scientific ideas about the content of concepts of pedagogical culture, professional-pedagogical culture and pedagogical proficiency, to identify structural components of professional-pedagogical culture of a teacher at a departmental university. Methods: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization of psychological and pedagogical literature) and empirical (observation, survey, generalization of pedagogical experience) research methods. Results: the author proposes a structure of pedagogical culture of teachers of educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service, presented through the identified stages of pedagogical activity and pedagogical proficiency necessary at each selected stage. The first stage is associated with the solution of psychological and pedagogical tasks for the study and diagnosis of students, their needs and requests, their interests, the definition of a set of educational and educational goals, pedagogical goal-setting. The second stage is related to planning, the third one includes practical implementation of the plans, the fourth one is the analysis of pedagogical tasks and critical assessment of the pedagogical work done. Conclusion: the proposed structure of professional pedagogical skills, a list of pedagogical skills and their generalized qualitative characteristics can provide practical assistance to teachers in organizing self-development, self-education, introspection, self-education, to determine the level of their pedagogical maturity, pedagogical skills and pedagogical culture.