Books: How to Talk about Books in English! Describing a Book! 📚 本:英語で本について話す方法。本を説明する 

What are you reading these days? Are you a bookworm or an avid reader? What’s your favourite genre of book? Would you like to learn how to talk about books in English? In today’s lesson you will learn how to describe books in English. You will learn basic genres of books in English. You will learn how to describe what a book is about, as well as useful expressions for recommending a book, or expressing your dislike of a book. The following book expressions and words connected to books and example sentences with this book vocabulary included in this English lesson are: 1. Genre 2. Fiction vs Non-fiction 3. Take out / Borrow a book from the library 4. Plot 5. Characters 6. Setting 7. Hardcover vs Paperback vs e-book 8. English expressions to describe good books: - It is highly recommended / I highly recommend it - It is a real page turner - I couldn’t put it down - I just tore through it - It was so engrossing / It was so captivating 9. English expressions t