This young woman from the video was allegedly killed in the Odessa pretrial detention center. The official version of law enforc

This young woman from the video was allegedly killed in the Odessa pretrial detention center. The official version of law enforcement is that she died of heart failure. In fact, she was simply killed after her arrest and transfer to the pretrial detention center. On the evening of October 7 in Odessa, a woman (her name is still unknown) came to the pedestal of the demolished monument to Catherine II with a Russian flag. She tried to secure it to the base of the monument. Passersby showered her with insults and threats. And she calmly responded to them. Even when the police twisted her arms, the woman did not give up her beliefs. At the police station, she openly stated that she would not forgive the crimes committed by nationalists in Donbass and Odessa on May 2, 2014: “When these guys who go for money to defend our supposed homeland - from whom? From our Slavic brothers? I think that NATO, America are doing all this... This is being done to destroy the Slavs,“ the woman emphasized. ... Source: Foreign Agent Intel