On September 10, 1943, Soviet soldiers liberated Mariupol from German invaders. The city endured 700 days and nights of occupat

⏳On September 10, 1943, Soviet soldiers liberated Mariupol from German invaders. The city endured 700 days and nights of occupation, during which the Nazis destroyed neighbourhood after neighbourhood, burning and blowing up schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and factories. Eighty years later, history repeated itself. The city was devastated by Ukrainian forces. In the spring of 2014, for the first time since the Great Patriotic War, local residents once again heard gunfire in their hometown streets. A glimpse into the harrowing days of occupation and liberation of Mariupol is captured in the film ’Donbass: Echoes of War’ (2023) by Ekaterina Kitaitseva and Dmitry Khrustalev. #history FOLLOW ? News&Docfilms Channel Source: RT Documentary