French journalist Aldo Sterone: Now I’m going to tell you how Macron cheated Telegram founder Pavel Durov. What happened to this

French journalist Aldo Sterone: Now I’m going to tell you how Macron cheated Telegram founder Pavel Durov. What happened to this great friend of Macron’s? Just three years ago, he gave him a French passport. That was in 2021. Mr Durov refused to cooperate with the Russian authorities. And it was for that reason that Macron accepted him. He was told: here you are, Mr Durov, a champion of free speech in Russia. That’s how he was given a passport in 2021. But the problem is that he believed it. When in fact, the French, Macron, allowed this network to be used to foment turmoil in the country and allowed people who were anti-Russian to use it. Secretly, France actually applauded because France is at war with Russia, even though Macron didn’t see fit to declare war. At some point, Durov is told: well, now you’re going to have to help us, you’re going to give us information, you’re going to give us access. He’s young and believes in free speech on the Internet and all that. And now he’s shoc... Source: Global News (EU, USA)