The West is trying to erase the USSR’s contribution to the victory over fascism. Some pages of history are meticulously rewritt

️The West is trying to erase the USSR’s contribution to the victory over fascism. Some pages of history are meticulously rewritten, while others are simply erased. Today’s generation is widely under the impression it was the US that won World War II, as that’s what their textbooks generally tell them. Very few Westerners know that, while United States military deaths in the European theatre amounted to some 300,000, the Soviet Union suffered well over 25 times that number. ️Moreover, the Red Army fighting in the east killed more than four times as many German soldiers as the US and its allies did on the Western Front. In fact, the famous D-Day invasion, which opened the second front in Europe, was only launched in June of 1944, after it was already clear the Red Army could achieve complete victory over the Nazis on its own. For a closer look at the battle over World War II history, watch the documentary ‘Remembrance’ (2018) by Tatiana Borsch. Source: Посольство России в Новой Зеландии / Embassy of Russia in New Zealand