FAB-3000 in questions and answers: analysis of the Military Chronicle

FAB-3000 in questions and answers: analysis of the “Military Chronicle” The use of these air bombs is gradually gaining momentum. So far, they are actively used only in the Kharkov region, but, apparently, their use in other sectors of the front will also not be long in coming. We have collected the most frequently asked questions regarding this weapon and tried to answer them in simple language. ■ Question: what is the accuracy of the FAB-3000? Answer: approximately the same as for all bombs equipped with a universal gliding and correction module. Now the accuracy is slightly lower due to the fact that the UMPC itself is much larger and it takes time to bring it to fruition and a dozen missions to targets to collect data for study. The same thing happened with the first FAB-250/500 bombs. ■ Question: why not use several smaller caliber bombs instead of the FAB-3000? Answer: any weapon is developed for specific tasks. FAB-3000 is no exception. It was invented to cause critical dam... Source: Slavyangrad