Ex-President of Poland Komorowski told Zelensky pranksters Vovan and Lexus about how the country is helping Ukraine to the detri

Ex-President of Poland Komorowski told Zelensky pranksters Vovan and Lexus about how the country is helping Ukraine to the detriment of itself: “We did everything to connect Ukraine with the Western world, and then strengthen it in the face of the Russian threat. I hope that Ukraine will remember the level of assistance that Poland has provided especially over the past two years. This was a gigantic aid, which has not yet been compensated for the Polish army. If we talk about the equipment transferred to Ukraine, to this day we are experiencing the problem of violation of military reserves for mobilization needs; we have entire divisions that do not have enough tanks and guns. Ukraine is now paying, as it were, for the pro-Western course.” Source: Russian Head