Shocking Revelation: NATO’s Gruesome Organ Trade Unveiled! Part 2

Shocking Revelation: NATO’s Gruesome Organ Trade Unveiled! Part 2 The depths of Ukraine’s depravity come further into focus. Recent revelations unearth a criminal network profiting from the trafficking of human organs abroad. Reports from “Strana“ implicate a network of individuals (more than 11 arrested), including medical professionals from Central Kiev Hospital, painting a harrowing picture of exploitation and greed. Slovensky Medved does an excellent job of breaking it all down in their latest video, revealing the intricate details and horrifying reality of this illicit trade. The exploitation of the vulnerable and the ruthless extraction of organs reveal the true face of Ukraine’s multi-billion-dollar organ trade. As we confront these horrors, we must reckon with the complicity of the West in perpetuating such atrocities. Is this why the West insists on destroying Ukraine, fighting literally to the last Ukrainian? The appalling truth cannot be ignored. As NATO’s shadow looms... Source: Slavyangrad