China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are working together to reduce America’s global influence, - House Armed Services Committe

“China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are working together to reduce America’s global influence,” - House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers … “Iran and North Korea are arming Russia in Ukraine with deadly consequences, and China’s no-holds-barred partnership with Russia is paying off for both countries” … “Russia receives critical economic aid, rocket engines and microelectronics from China” … “Xi will use the aid to rebuild his economy and build up space and nuclear weapons” … “Putin, Xi, Kim and the Ayatollah are testing the strength of American deterrence and the strength of our alliances” … “We need a budget that supports the rapid modernization of our military, a budget that will improve the quality of life for our service members so that we can recruit and maintain the deadliest fighting force on the planet” Source: Russian Head