BIDEN, THE FINAL BOSS OF LIARS, LIES AGAIN - pathological bullshitter Joe repeats same lie he was called out for during his 1

🇺🇸 BIDEN, THE FINAL BOSS OF LIARS, LIES AGAIN - pathological bullshitter Joe repeats same lie he was called out for during his 1988 presidential run, claiming “like a lot of people in the audience, I was the first in my family to go to college“ - top video. But dementia and liars don’t mix well, as evident in video from 2022, one of many times he bragged about his grandfather playing college football (bottom left). Sleepy Joe obsessed making up stories to appear relatable - check out bottom right compilation where he claims being raised by Alien Puerto Rican, Greek, Irish, Catholic, Jewish, Palestinian, Italian, Polish, Palestinian, Persian, and Black communities... Boost us here for more Joe Lie-den’s Dementia Today @IntelRepublic Source: Intel Republic