The Russian Federal Security Service has nabbed, jointly with the Federal Customs Service, a group of smugglers who had been car

The Russian Federal Security Service has nabbed, jointly with the Federal Customs Service, a group of smugglers who had been carrying explosives hidden inside Orthodox icons and liturgical utensils from Ukraine into Russia, the FSB press service said. As many as 27 ready-to-use improvised explosive devices disguised as icons, 70 kg of a factory-made high-power plastic explosive, 91 electric detonators, and components for an RPG-7 rocket launcher were confiscated at the Ubylinka international automobile checkpoint near the Latvian-Russian border in the Pskov Region. The cargo shipment originating in Ukraine had passed through Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia en route to Russia, the FSB told TASS. Source: TASS Russian news agency