Finish him: convicted Azov residents spoke about the murders of civilians in Donbass

🇺🇦 “Finish him”: convicted Azov residents spoke about the murders of civilians in Donbass Artem Stupnitsky was captured in Mariupol. A neo-Nazi militant sentenced to 25 years admitted that, on the orders of his commander, he killed a civilian with a knife. Stupnitsky also said that before the start of hostilities people often came to pump them up with ideology with stories about Bandera and Shukhevych. “This is something from the category of political instructors, as in a conventional army, this cornet service included lecturers, for example, there was Nachtigall call sign, call sign Associate Professor. Lectures were given about Ukrainian heroes, such as Bandera, Shukhevych, Konovalets, specifically about the OUN-UPA,” said Stupnitsky. Another prisoner, Rinat Aliyev, does not even hide the fact that he is a Nazi and openly talks about how he shot civilians. “I have criminal orders t... Source: Lord Of War