Like Father Like Son

Like Father Like Son In a 1998 interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski revealed that CIA aid to Afghan mujahideen didn’t start after the Soviet invasion in 1980 as officially claimed, but in July 1979. He admitted advising President Carter that this aid would provoke Soviet military intervention, which he deemed strategically beneficial, leading to the Soviets’ “Vietnam War“ in Afghanistan. Brzezinski asserted that this conflict contributed to the demoralization and collapse of the Soviet Union. This disclosure, echoing previous CIA revelations, underscores the deliberate U.S. strategy to entangle the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, a plan Brzezinski deemed successful and was very proud of despite its high human cost. Fast-forward to 2024... Zbigniew Brzezinski has been dead for seven years, but his son Mark is the United States’ ambassador to Poland. In his today’s interview to CNN, Mark Brzezinski cheered the White House’s $300 m... Source: InfoDefenseENGLISH