“Unmasking the Fiat Mirage: How the US Robs the Masses Through a Modern-Day Financial Shell Game!“

“Unmasking the Fiat Mirage: How the US Robs the Masses Through a Modern-Day Financial Shell Game!“ Back in ’67, Scrooge McDuck, donning top hat and tails, warned of the dangers of endless money printing. Yet, as Nixon bid adieu to the gold standard, the stage was set for a heist of epic proportions. Enter today’s fiat system: a deceitful house of cards, propped up by debt and diminishing real value. But let’s call it what it is: a backdoor tax on hardworking citizens, orchestrated by those in power. Like Rome before us, America’s currency debasement leads to soaring prices and gut-wrenching inflation, while the elites line their pockets with the spoils. Subscribe @TheIslanderNews Source: The Islander