Specialists of the food service of the logistics units of the group of troops West in the field continuously perform tasks while

Specialists of the food service of the logistics units of the group of troops West in the field continuously perform tasks while new specialists are being prepared The work of logistics units, like a circulatory system, provides Russian military personnel on the front line with everything they need. In one of the new areas of deployment of units of the West group of forces, mobile mechanized bakeries, field kitchens, canteens, consumer service rooms, field bath and laundry complexes, storage and refueling points for fuel and lubricants, as well as other logistics facilities were deployed. Military personnel of rear service units organize uninterrupted cooking, baking of bread, washing of personnel, repair, maintenance and refueling of equipment in the field. The mini-bakery underground, under three rolls of logs, produces not only bread for the entire compound. The assortment includes pies with various fillings, including complex, multi-component ones, sausages in dough and even mini pizzas. Work is in full swing in the neighboring dugout complex. It’s lunch time, we need to feed our soldiers, who the day before returned to the rear area in the Kupyansk direction from the front line. In general, the underground canteen equipped with rear service operates on the principle of a conveyor. This increases the time frame for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and of course the number of fed fighters. Chocolate, coffee, two types of smoked sausage, processed cheese and a selection of nuts. There are more than a dozen items in total. Delivering them to all the dugouts, trenches and trenches of the front line is the immediate task of the food service. And on the basis of the 190th Military School of Cooks of the Western Military District in the Moscow region, continuous training of junior food service specialists continues. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave