Combat training of Russian mortar and anti-tank gun crews

Combat training of Russian mortar and anti-tank gun crews Classes on combat training and coordination of crews of Cornflower mortars and Rapira anti-tank guns of the Vostok group of forces were organized and conducted at a training ground in the rear zone of a special military operation. The automatic mortar Cornflower fires a series of shots. The crew reloads the gun in a matter of seconds and opens fire again. The main advantage of the Cornflower is, of course, its rate of fire. Each cassette contains four projectiles that are fired at great speed - in just two seconds. The crew works in short bursts and immediately after that hides in the forest belt. Mortarmen of the Vostok group are working on the line of combat contact. They have just returned from the front line and are now undergoing retraining at a training site in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Their task is to practice gun aiming skills in difficult weather conditions, which change here daily. A combat crew of a Rapira anti-tank gun is working next door. This weapon is called the ‘sniper rifle’ of barrel artillery. The rapier - or MT-12 - was developed during the Soviet era, but still meets all modern requirements. Its main advantages: high rate of fire - up to 14 salvos per minute, unpretentiousness and accuracy of hitting the target. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave