Logistics units working

Logistics units working Logistics specialists of the West group of troops in one of the areas where units are deployed in the Kupyansky direction deployed all the necessary logistics support facilities. Rear units of the Western Military District, during a special military operation in the field, continue to carry out continuous work on logistics support for troops. Military logistics personnel of the West group of troops deployed modern bakeries, field kitchens, canteens, storage and refueling points for fuel and lubricants and other logistics support facilities in one of the areas where units are deployed in the Kupyansky direction. A field kitchen is a gift for bakers and cooks. Below ground level. A real labyrinth of spacious rooms. They are connected by long underground corridors. Here they bake sausages in dough, buns with jam and bread with onions, carrots and regular bread. Not a single meal is complete without bread. It bakes more than a ton of fragrant bread per shift. For the needs of the rear and sending to the front line. The bread turns out fresh, fluffy and rosy. The production capabilities of the equipment may exceed the needs. Every serviceman receives bread no matter how far from the contact line they are. The cooks feed the fighters three times a day. Dishes alternate. The menu definitely includes soups, but there are at least seven types of them; for the second course, rice, buckwheat with stew, beef, pilaf, fresh vegetables, dessert. The work of the logistics units of the West group of troops in the Kupyansk direction, like a circulatory system, provides military personnel on the front line with everything they need. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave