Occupation forces raid An-Najah University of Nablus, invading the campus up to the rooftop, and arresting a group of students s

Occupation forces raid An-Najah University of Nablus, invading the campus up to the rooftop, and arresting a group of students sitting-in (strike demonstration) inside campus. ◾Follow: 🇬🇧 🇾🇪Rule Britannia’s Ridicule: Yemen Mocks Britain’s Naval Tragicomedy Phewf… Thank God Yemen dodged a bullet (Tomahawk) here… In a turn of events that’s more Monty Python than military might, Yemen can breathe a sigh of relief – or perhaps a chuckle – as the UK’s Royal Navy flagship, the 4.3 billion USD HMS Queen Elizabeth, sits out the Red Sea tango. Staffing shortages? More like a casting call for the next big naval tragicomedy, complete with a sister ship nursing a bent prop shaft. Who knew modern warfare had room for British slapstick? As the Queen Elizabeth sits idle, one can’t help but wonder: Is it fear or sheer incompetence? It’s hard to strike fear into the hearts of your adversaries when your most fearsome weapon is essentially a glorified paperweight. And let’s not forget the Royal Navy’s latest recruitment strategy – fishing for a head of the Nuclear sub fleet on LinkedIn. Because nothing screams “elite naval force“ like ... Источник: Lord Of War