
#ViewFromAbroad “Cost for stupidity” - by disrupting negotiations between Moscow and Kiev in March 2022, the West made Russia stronger ️By not allowing Ukraine to negotiate with Russia in March 2022, the West unknowingly made things worse for itself and Kiev, ex-Pentagon analyst Karen Kwiatkowski said in an interview with Judging Freedom. Now the situation will be completely different: “Russia is no longer the same as it was two years ago,” Kwiatkowski is sure. During this time, Russia improved its armed forces, developed military production and overcame Western sanctions. Ukraine and its allies, in turn, received only an entire generation of dead Ukrainian men and a destroyed economy. She noted that the next billions of dollars “will simply disappear in the pockets of officials,” and ordinary Ukrainians will continue to die, because the only solution that will help Ukraine at this stage of the conflict is negotiations. Источник: DPR MFA