The Israeli government lied about everything that took place on October 7, Jackson Hinkle told RT

️🇮🇱🇵🇸 The Israeli government lied about everything that took place on October 7, Jackson Hinkle told RT. According to the American journalist, Israel told us initially that nearly 2,000 civilians died on October 7, then the figure was reduced to 1,400, and then they revised the numbers again saying that only 1,200 individuals dead, half of whom turned out to be military personnel. “We’ve seen the videos of the Apache attack helicopters firing on positions, which appear... we can’t be certain... but they appear to be civilians, hostages, and Hamas fighters all running about,“ Hinkle notes. He goes on to remind everyone that Haaretz sources have confirmed: an Israeli Apache attack helicopter was responsible for some of the Israeli deaths on October 7. “Hamas could not have burnt homes, cars and bodies with rifles and RPGs. They don’t have that sort of heavy weaponry. At least they didn’t on October 7,“ the journalist said. InfoDefenseENGLISH InfoDefense Источник: InfoDefenseENGLISH