My friends from Azerbaijan are in big trouble

️🇦🇿My friends from Azerbaijan are in big trouble. Since July 19, Ibrahim Hasanov, the leader of the Eurasian Movement of Azerbaijan, and his deputy Ibrahim Humbatov have been in custody without charges. On October 19, Azerbaijani political scientist and journalist Nezaket Memmedova was detained in Baku. I personally know all three of them. They are real patriots of Azerbaijan and have always supported their president Ilham Aliev. Their only illegal action (in the opinion of Azeri secret service) is that they did not agree with the genocide of Russians in Donbass and actively supported Russia. Nazaket was the only Azeri journalist who came to Donetsk, to see with her own eyes, the crimes of the criminal Ukrainian state. Now, she has almost lost her ability to see due to severe and brutal interrogations. We can’t be silent. They are political prisoners and true heroes. I want to make this case public, so people know the truth. I believe that our voices demanding their freedom will be heard! Source: BadVolf InfoDefenseENGLISH InfoDefense Источник: InfoDefenseENGLISH