Good Morning (or Whatever)

️ 🇷🇺 ️ Good Morning (or Whatever) ️ From “The Coons“ and me! SITREP Latest: The AFU is evacuating the command from Avdeyevka in a secret mission. Riots at Machatschkala Airport in Dagestan have ended, the airport is destroyed and looted, 20 injured. Have a good day (or night), Friends! Enjoy your coffee or favourite drink and now the Coons have the Floor: Good Day Friends! Treason! We are kidnapped: Allegedly, we are on the way to Moscow and our channel admin Roman is the villain. Hopefully the situation will be resolved soon so we can return to our striped brothers. And it’s not a joke. ️ Hello Day, and again a Monday! We wish you a fantastic 303rd day in the “Year of the Striped Raccoon“ and a happy new week, friends !!! PLS support and recommend SITREP! /SITREP Support /@HersonEnot/ / Join SITREP Map Reports - Top Videos - Analyses Источник: Lord Of War