Dear Slavyangrad readers, I’ll be publishing an open letter to one of the spokespeople of the Ukrainian government and army

Dear Slavyangrad readers, I’ll be publishing an open letter to one of the spokespeople of the Ukrainian government and army. To provide some context, please look at the following videos to understand the reason of this letter. - Sir CheburashkaOpen letter to Michael John Cirillo ( “Sarah Ashton-Cirillo“) Hello Michael John Cirillo, I’d like to address your words pretty carefully since you’re doing two things here: 1.- Based on your broadcasted video you said one thing, and in this video you’re saying another thing. 2.- You’re calling non-profit organizations like Slavyangrad war criminals simply because we report the truth. First and foremost, mister, I’d like to tackle down the first one. You gave a specific time on your original broadcast (you said “next week“) and now you’re saying that we all “will pay“ or “will be captured“ or whatever you mean. You said that the world will see something, so I’d like to see what you want to show the world. With your psycho mindset and words, you’re captured the attention of the people and let them know how crazy and desperate you, alongside the AFU and Ukraine are. Yes. You’re losing. “Your country“ (between quotes, since you’re american) is losing. You cannot rebrand facts as “misinformation.“ Don’t forget that the truth remains the truth. Regardless if you’re Ukrainian with the support of the western media. You’re lying. You’re an obsessive liar, and you’re the one profiting from this. We, the people who spend their valuable time without any expectations on any sort of compensation, are people who are sick of you, Ukraine, and the western media for their hypocrisy, lies, and terrorism. And mind you, terrorism that comes in different shapes and forms. That is, military, political, social, and economic terrorism. It’s funny to see how you’ve become a victim of the social terrorism. Moving on to the second point. You’ve no grounds or rights whatsoever to call people like us “war criminals.“ As a matter of fact, we are the ones reporting war crimes by Ukraine. Our audience has seen them. People know the truth thanks to us, hence, your paranoia against us. This is why you made such a video. You know you’re in trouble. You know you’re finished after this ends. You’ll become no one. No one will need you. People will forget who are you, Michael John Cirillo. I just want to give you a friendly reminder: It was Ukraine the one who cut access to essential resources as water to Crimea. If Ukraine would’ve considered those citizens “Ukrainian,“ they would’ve not done that. Ukrainian terrorists (the AFU) have been shelling the Donbass region non-stop for 8 years. They’ve been shelling NON MILITARY targets for 8 YEARS. The Ukrainian army has used chemical weapons and even bragged about them in videos. The Ukrainian army has executed Russian PoW, and shot the legs of captured ones. Mercenaries from your country and the UK have been reporting that the Ukrainian army personnel is excessively using Nazi symbology. On top of that, some those mercenaries who decided to tell the truth ended up getting murdered by the same Nazis they fought with. This, makes you an accomplice, because you know about that. You’re a Nazi. You’re an extremist. Hear yourself. Hear the way you talk. We have seen that in your address recently. Finally, I invite you to not touch any war reporters. You don’t understand what true journalism is, since you come from the US. You’ve been always told what to write and when to write it. Do not label true journalists for telling the truth. If you’ve not been scared of the truth, you would’ve not addressed the world with such message and your follow up. You’re scared. We all know it. Best you can do is to shut up. As a spokesperson, you should very well know when to shut up. But turns out... surprise surprise... you’re not qualified for that position. You have no power of calling X people war criminals. That’s not your job. Do not ever mess with journalism, especially when you are an accomplice of all this bullshit and supporting nazism. P.S: No, Ukraine won’t get anything back. Stop dreaming. - Sir Cheburashka. Источник: Slavyangrad