It seemed like we had seen it all before: the brutality and death. And then suddenly, there’s a video that tightens your throat

It seemed like we had seen it all before: the brutality and death. And then suddenly, there’s a video that tightens your throat. Out of nowhere, in the midst of battle, this man, badly wounded and bleeding, likely on a strong dose of painkillers, recites poetry he penned himself. In situations so close to death, people don’t lie. Our comrades are the type of ironclad shield behind whom we all stand. They aren’t superheroes from comics; they are genuine heroes — men with a willpower so strong that words fall short. The field doctors are heroes as well. Return safely, gentlemen! Vova, a salute to you; we all hope you are fine. It’s guys like you who keep Russia moving forward. #source [club152044818|@Slavyangrad] Join SLG Intelligence Briefings, Strategy and Analysis, Expert Community Источник: Slavyangrad