Forest fires in Antalya’s vicinity — Russian aviation helps to extinguish

Forest fires in Antalya’s vicinity — Russian aviation helps to extinguish Forest fires continue to rage in the vicinity of Antalya for the second day, more than 180 hectares of forest have been burned out. In Kemer the fire is almost close to the resort area, people from their hotels observe thick columns of smoke. Although wind gusts contribute to the spread of flames through the forests, nevertheless, there is no danger for settlements and vacationers at the moment. The footage shows how rescuers are actively fighting the elements with the use of aviation. The Russian aviation has also joined the extinguishing of forest fires, in particular, two amphibian planes BE-200, piloted by the Russian EMERCOM pilots, which have already dropped more than 800 tons of water on the fire and continue their work. Источник: Readovka World