4 | Appium Step by Step | How to create Android Virtual Device

Android Virtual Device (AVD) Setup for Automation 00:00 Intro 00:56 How to create and start AVD (emulator) with Android Studio GUI App 02:17 On Android Studio goto Virtual Device Manager > Create new virtual device 03:18 Select device configuration and hardware (name, RAM, storage etc.) 13:31 Check the emulator is available in Device Manager (Device manager will show all connected devices, virtual and physical) 14:11 Start Stop Android Virtual Device (AVD) 16:40 How to create and start AVD (Emulator) without Android Studio 17:15 Set ANDROID_HOME and PATH env variables Ref: 20:53 Run commands $ —list Use sdkmanager to get required packages like platform-tools, platforms, build-tools This can be done in a single command e.g. $ “p ... #RaghavPal #android_virtual_device_step_by_step_setup #how_to_setup_and_start_android_virtual_device_on_windows_and_mac_os #appium_demo_project #appium_hands-on_with_project 20240502 KZsslCtU4No