SPY FICTION(Passions) (1967) Legendary USSR cartoon for adult

Please subscribe and wait for the end JUNE! As i promised we'll start pure Journey into Soviet's phylosophy in russian cartoons.И Вы братцы подписывайтесь! Благодарю за поддержку! Spy Passions (1967) USSR cartoon for adult. 1967 year of release. Production: Soyuzmultfilm. The screenplay was written by Lazar Lagin. Director of Photography Efim Hamburg. Director of Photography Mikhail Druyan. STARRING Clara Rumyanova. Soviet spy cartoon for adults! Dear Western friends. You have a great opportunity to get acquainted with the technologies of the work of spies on the territory of the former state of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the number of which in the union was 15 independent republics with separate ethnic groups that existed in peace and harmony. The powerful moral and spiritual foundation of Soviet Society served as an example for the whole world. However, unfortunately, by deception and speculation on the best qualities of the p