[Masatoshi Nakayama’s Legacy (JKA)] - [Part 1] - Heian Shodan to Heian Godan

#matatoshinakayama #jka #karate247 Selective Training Secret Series by Famous Karate Instructors. Video is re-organised and sorted for all karatekas who seek for profound training methods. Video is used for educational purposes. ►Facebook Page: _____________________ Masatoshi Nakayama's Legacy 1:13 - Heian Shodan 10:25 - Heian Nidan 19:33 - Heian Sandan 30:06 - Heian Yondan 39:58 - Heian Godan 47:50 - Tekki Shodan _____________________ Bio: Source - JKA HQ Master Nakayama Masatoshi had martial arts in his blood. Born in April 1913 in Yamaguchi Prefecture, he was a descendant of the Sanada clan, in the Nagano region. His ancestors were highly-skilled instructors of kenjutsu (the art of swordsmanship). Upon entering Takushoku University in 1932, Master Nakayama immediately joined the university’s karate club, studying under Master Funakoshi Gichin and one of the master’s sons, Funakoshi Yoshitaka. D