Movie Horror Film “SharkOctopus“ Monster created by scientists escapes and begins to devour people.

Mad scientists have created a living weapon for the army, a genetic specimen crossed with a Shark and an Octopus, called the Shark. Carrying out tests in the open sea, the creature escapes from scientists and begins to hunt and kill people and everything that moves. But the worst thing is that she is able to walk on land with the help of her tentacles, getting out of the water, she continues to hunt and kill people on the island of the inhabitants living there. The whole team of scientists is trying to catch and destroy this creature so that it does not kill more people, but they succeed with great difficulty. The creature leaves behind a lot of corpses and victims, but still it manages to be destroyed right on land. Movie Title Horor Film “SharkOctopus 2010“. Безумные ученые создали живое оружие для армии, генетическую особь скрещенную с Акулой и Осьминог, названная Акулосьминог. Проводя испытания в окрытом море, тварь сбегает от учёных и начинает охотиться и убивать людей и всё что дв