The Crossing - I’ll Take Your Promises With Me

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Sarah and her family came as refugees to live with our community for several months. They brought three sons, but not the baby daughter we’d expected; she was lost to malaria shortly before they left the camp. Tall, sad, beautiful, and mysterious in her silence, Sarah often made me wonder at the faithfulness of Christians who have never had the blessings or comforts I’m used to associating with being a follower of Christ.—Jen lyrics I come from the proud land of Africa My home the savanna of southern Sudan Now home is a city across the wide sea A jungle of metal and noise and strange men I dream of a village in Africa Its peace shattered by shots and loud cries I run from that place as the smoke rises high The place where my father and brothers have died Now home is a shelter in Pinyundo Camp If home you can label this desolate place With hope as scarce as the water and food But God walks beside me, I cling to His grace I must fly on the wings of the dawn Banished by famine and fear o’er the sea Yet I’ll sing in the shadow of your wings I’ll take your promises with me My days now are full tending husband and sons But I look past the fences, I’m longing to flee Where hunger and fear no more live by our side Where our children are safe from despair and disease I bury my daughter in Africa Deep in the soil of my garden of hope She’s safe in God’s arms, but I want her in mine My arms ache to hold her one more time We go to the land of America We take our three boys, leave a small mound of earth A new life to sow where the wind blows so cold Uprooting our lives in the hope of rebirth I dream of a village in Africa And outside my window the snow gently falls A new baby boy cradled close to my heart A flicker of hope gives a whispering call Yet I long for that proud land of Africa Though violence and pain be her lot on this earth I grieve for the life that I’ll never know In a village at home in the land of my birth from Standing Stones, released May 24, 2002 Lyrics: Jen Ingerson Music: Jen Ingerson, Tony Krogh Hilde: lead vocals Tony: guitar, vocals Mark: flute Mike: bouzouki Jen: fiddle, vocals“