Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of Diseases of the Digestive System | Biology Animation

This video explains “Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of Diseases of the Digestive System“ in a fun and easy way. Good day learners! This is EarthPen. Since we are through with the processes that happen in our digestive system, this time we will now educate ourselves on the different diseases that could occur in our digestive system, known as gastrointestinal diseases. In our modern ways of living, the trend of food consumption shows that the intake of fast foods, alcohol, and food with high calories increases, while the consumption of green leafy vegetables is slowly being neglected by many. This trend of food consumption is the reason why gastrointestinal diseases are very common these days. Again, these gastrointestinal diseases are diseases that could possibly occur in the human digestive system. And for today’s video, we will individually learn about the following diseases: Diarrhea Constipation Hepatitis Gallstones Peptic Ulcer Hemorrhoids App