Kizomba Social dancing. Maria Gordeeva & Alibek Usembaev, Ilya Subachev. Hot Winter in Siberia

Kizomba ROMANTICA Felicien & Isabelle: Kizomba SEMBA Morenasso & Anais Afrohouse David: How to Kizomba Social dancing. Maria Gordeeva & Alibek Usembaev, Ilya Subachev. Hot Winter in Siberia Kizomba at the Hot Winter in Siberia social dance festival! Two wonderful dance masters Maria Gordeeva (Russia) and Alibek Usembaev (Kazakhstan) improvise beautifully on the dance floor. Kizomba urban kiz is a modern dance style with interesting tricks, open pair interaction. Social dancing is a great way to develop a person, his communication skills, understanding himself and others. Welcome to Hot Winter in SIBERIA! Social dancing in Siberia! Salsa social dance. Krasnoyarsk, Russia! Kizomba festival 2020, kizomba party. For more information: Festival's producer: Andrey Korzun hot winter production Hot Winter in Siberia is the biggest Festival of Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, Zouk, Hustle, West-Coast Swing and Argentine Tango in Russia! Best Line-up of Artists from all over the world! More than 300 hours of workshops! 7 Crazy Parties! Amazing Dance Show Production! Bootcamps! Warmest Atmosphere and Unforgettable Experience in the Heart of Siberia! Want some heat? Wait for Winter! Dress Warmer - It's Gonna be Hot! Krasnoyarsk, Russia! #kizomba #urbankiz #hotwinterinsiberia