Judo Sambo Video lessons on DVD kfvideo ru

Here, in front of you a products of Kallista company. We create an educational DVD’s about Sambo and Judo wrestling. There is a wide range of movies such as the lessons, competitions and seminars. All the products are always available. The main content of the movies is a training material for sportsmen and coaches. After watching our films, you can expand your knowledge of Russian sambo and Japanese judo wrestling. Cast: Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki (Japan 8th Dan), Yasuhiro Yamashita (Japan 8th Dan), Sozo Fuji (Japan 8th Dan) Katzuki Kyoto (Japan 8th Dan), Hiroshi Katanishi (Japan 7 Dan), David Rudman (Russia) Vladimir Elchaninov (6 dan Russia), Dmitry Pavlov (Russia), Alexander Jackiewicz (Latvia 6 dan) Kytmanov Alexander (Russia), Mikhail Martynov (Russia).We have many plans of creating educational DVD. Every 2 months there are new movies. Now we accept payment by international system PayPal. If you are Russian citizen, you can make an order on . Through the Russian post we send parcels anywhere in the world. On the site you can find free printed materials. In front of you a small video catalog, by looking that you can partially acquainted with the previously released films. To each DVD we provide short video. Enjoy the movie! Sincerely Director General of Kallista Dmitry Pavlov.