Паблик Арт фестиваль Дворы Капеллы / Public Art Festival

#di_vito This is already the 4th public art festival in the courtyards of the Chapel. Today its theme is “The 350th Anniversary of Peter I. Modernity and Peter’s Legacy“. The organizers want to show the connection between eras and the influence of the classical art of the Petrine era on the work of contemporary artists... Meets us - Perfume installation “Petersburg Fleur“. Under the umbrellas - “rain“ of woolen threads soaked in perfume! (Unfortunately, the organizers take poor care of the exhibition, do not renovate the objects and the perfume had already worn out by my visit). The fragrances are dedicated to St. Petersburg, they were invented by the Guild of Perfumers. Nearby - “Honest mirror“. Like a spread of a book. Or a portal. Or a corridor. The mirror is the most natural. So, after reading the set of rules of conduct from Peter I himself, you can check your “honest“ in the mirror. The authors suggest that there we will see, “... to what extent do we, modern people, comply with the rules and laws of behavior in the human community?“ No more, no less! Then - a structure welded from iron: “Confrontation“. The author was inspired by the painting by Nikolai Ge “Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei.“ There the interrogation took place in the Monplaisir Palace. Its alternating black and white floor slabs resemble a chessboard where the drama of people’s destinies is played out. In iron, they were repeated by the author of OPPOSITION. Next - the Heart of St. Petersburg. The silhouette of the Peter and Paul Fortress made of black plastic is fixed on a metal heart Then - something called “Axis of time.“ The authors allegedly expressed the relationship of the past and the future in this way. For the installation, as they claim, recycled stained glass fragments and light were used, which translates the art substance we created into radiation, interacting in a special way with the environment and observers of the process. As for the glass, it looks like ordinary burnt plastic, which, for some reason, lies on a metal grid, and the light is banal LEDs that unsuccessfully try to play plastic with rainbow colors. And, finally, “LIGHTHOUSE“. This was created by a whole creative group of students of the ART AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE VKHUTEIN. Is it worth studying for four years, and before that, suffering for a dozen years in a drawing school in order to finish these? ... ... You be the judge! SUBSCRIBE please: Если подпишитесь, будет очень хорошо: или тут или здесь We are also raising money for a device for filming a documentary about Fr. Davide - Rector of the Holy Dormition Makarievskaya Hermitage, fundraising here: А еще мы собираем деньги на аппарат для съемок документального фильма об о. Давиде – настоятеле Свято-Успенской Макарьевской пустыни, сбор средств тут: Спаси вас БОГ! Save you GOD!