A Trip to Edinburgh (RSCDS Edinburgh)

“A Trip to Edinburgh“ is a 32 bar Reel for four couples in a square set from a collection of Scottish Country Dances to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the Edinburgh Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in 2014. This dance was devised by Andrew Nolan, RSCDS Edinburgh, and Andrew also composed the original tune “Elaine Davies of Isleworth”. The music was recorded by Graeme Munro and his Scottish dance band on the RSCDS Edinburgh 90th Anniversary recording. Special thanks to everyone who has assisted with this project. The dances have all been filmed in the historic City Chambers in located in the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town - a UNESCO World Heritage site. We are very grateful to our Honorary President, the Lord Provost for allowing us to film in the main Council Chamber which is full of character and grandeur. It is dominated by an impressive dome stained-glass ceiling and features a striking fireplace. Murals depicting the Coats of Arms celebrating the marriages of the Kings and Queens