The Archon Deception - David Icke

Saturn creates our false Matrix prison of illusion. The Archons/Reptilians need it in order to create and maintain our false reality that is a manufactured illusion. The Archons and Reptilians do not have our power of creativity and are not co-creators having the power to create. They can only copy and mimic. The power to create comes from us humans. We do not need a machine to create, we merely need the belief that we can in order to release our power within. The problem is that the reptilian mind control has taught us that we have no such power and that we are products of random chance or powerless sinners before God. We are birds that have been taught that it is better to walk because flying is impossible and it is also heretical and blasphemous thinking. The Reptilians have mind controlled us into believing that we have no spiritual power. In the film used, Dark City, the Strangers Archons/Reptilians no longer need the machine of Saturn to have the power to create. This is because they are merging with the character John Murdock who has unlimited power, but he has no memory of any power until he is forced to remember through a replacement injection. He then remembers and begins to believe in himself as he releases the power. He now wakes-up from his spiritual slumber. The Archons are no match for this new Neo (The Matrix) and his power within. Another main structure is a special Archon technology on the etheric plane. They are projection chambers that project certain images / emotional states that are not ours on our outer auric membrane. So other people feel this projected image and not our true state. This is the source of most conflicts / projections in human relationships. When this technology is removed, people will suddenly find much more harmony in their relationships.* The Archons seem to often show senseless behaviour. They get a thrill from causing human emotions like fear and from creating confusion. It is implied that the Archons feed energetically of human emotions because they do not have any emotions themselves, thus do not have any emotional energy of their own