Testing BEST Damage Companions in Vault of Stars! Which’s Top? - Neverwinter 2021

So I have recently been going through many of the different companions to find which is the best to use in AoE. And now with the upcoming hit to the top 3 single target companions, we also need to see what will be top in the boss fights too. So here I go over my findings after testing a bunch of them in the endgame dungeon, the Vault of Stars. Keep in mind, I do not recommend going and spending so much on an active companion! Especially when it can get nerfed at anytime. If you still have things to upgrade on your character, focus on that first, like mounts, insignias, companion equip powers etc. I'd like to give special thanks to, Riccardo-Hard, Otihs, Dragona and Rorschach for helping me test by running VoS with me :)