9th September - Rest in Peace, Comrade Mao Zedong

IMPORTANT INFORMATION The 9th of September, 2018 marks the 42nd anniversary of the death of our Great Leader, Great Teacher, Great Commander and Great Helmsman, Chairman Mao Zedong. Comrade Mao had boundless love and enthusiasm for the people and devoted his entire life to fighting and serving the people. He has inspired so many and was an excellent revolutionary, holding the first peasant revolution, carrying out class struggle to the end, fighting revisionism and upholding Proletarian Internationalism. Chairman Mao’s efforts improved the living and working conditions of hundreds of millions of people, providing free education, healthcare, electricity, food and housing to the people of China. The socialist system put an end to decadely famine and eradicated several diseases. Comrade Mao fought off Japanese fascists and Kuomintang nationalists, backed by the USA, and united a starving, maker and shattered wartorn country, industrialising it in ten years, faster than capitalism ever could. Later