Srila Bhakti Gopananda Bon Maharaj - “Kartik Vrata“ & “Situation in Bangladesh“ - Oct 2021

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga! Dandavat pranam to all respected and esteemed Acaryas, Maharajas, mission secretaries, friends and supporters of the mission of Vaishnava Unity in Diversity. To share the spirit of Vishva Vaisnava Raj Sabha - World Vaishnava Association - we share the Hari Katha of the Vaishnavas present in the monthly Zoom Meeting. Suggested topics: · Kartik Vrata · Situation in Bangladesh · Yatras reports. Please visit __________________________________________________ ¡Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga! Dandavat pranam a todos los respetados y estimados Acaryas, Maharajas, secretarios de misión, amigos de la misión de la Unidad Vaishnava en la Diversidad. Para compartir el espíritu de la Vishva Vaishnava Raj Sabha - Asociación Mundial Vaishnava - compartimos el Hari Katha de los Vaisna