綠度母心咒 一小時版本 Green Tara Mantra Chanting for 1 hour 療癒佛經音樂 ambient world music

綠度母心咒:嗡。大咧。度大咧。度咧。唆哈 (梵文:Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā) 綠度母心咒的意義 綠度母心咒旨在引導眾生從輪迴和痛苦中解脱,通過皈依和修持綠度母法門,如持咒或祈請,度母會以“達咧”幫助我們解脱痛苦。雖然眾生可以自我解脱輪迴並達到涅槃,但要從這種平安的境界起身,開始為眾生做事需要較長時間。因此,度母不僅讓我們解脱輪迴,也解脱喜樂的境界,帶領我們達到證悟。 綠度母心咒的功德 綠度母的心咒能救脱一切罪業、消除衰敗,成就各種事業。度母的十字心咒是被稱為「一切明咒王的心咒」,持誦功德無量,能獲得一切悉地。綠度母有二十一個化身,是值得修行者敬仰的大菩薩,容易親近且能迅速得到智慧和成就。綠度母法門加持力大且迅速,修持此法門可斷除輪迴之根源,命終時往生極樂。 綠度母心咒的利益 綠度母法門是滿願和除障最深奧的法門。修持者可免除罪業、消除魔障和各種災難,廣開智慧,增長福報、權威和壽命,滿足各種心願。常念綠度母心咒,可離六道之苦,解脱災難和病痛,去除修道的障礙和煩惱毒,特別可去除世間中毒、怨敵和地獄之苦,壽命財產、眷屬和僕役俱增,並迅速成佛。 簡短總結 綠度母心咒(Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha)能帶來解除恐懼、消除障礙、保護和庇佑、提升慈悲心、促進健康、累積福報和幫助修行等多種好處。修持綠度母法門,加持力大且迅速,能滿足心中願望,消除心中恐懼,具有廣大無量的功德和利益。 The Meaning of the Green Tara Mantra The Green Tara mantra aims to guide sentient beings out of the cycle of samsara and suffering. By taking refuge in Tara and practicing her teachings, such as chanting her mantra or praying, Tara will help us alleviate our suffering through her compassionate action. Although all beings have the potential to attain liberation and reach nirvana, it often takes a long time for them to rise from this blissful state and begin working for the benefit of others. Compared to the goal of helping others after attaining enlightenment, striving solely for one's own enlightenment is limited. Therefore, Tara helps us not only to escape samsara but also to transcend the state of blissful peace, leading us towards enlightenment. The Merits of the Green Tara Mantra The Green Tara mantra can save beings from all sins and failures, summon three realms as servants, and accomplish various tasks. As described in many tantras, the mantras of the five female Buddhas are considered the king of all mantras, offering boundless merits and the attainment of all siddhis. Green Tara, with her twenty-one manifestations, is a revered great Bodhisattva in Vajrayana Buddhism, easy to approach and respond to. Some people dedicate their lives to practicing the Green Tara sadhana, gaining immense wisdom. Sincerely reciting her name and mantra will lead to spiritual fruition. As the main deity among the twenty-one Taras, Green Tara embodies the activities and merits of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Her blessings are exceptionally powerful and swift, surpassing all other practices. Practicing Green Tara's sadhana can bring great wisdom, gradually sever the roots of samsara, and enable one to be reborn in the Pure Land after death. The Benefits of the Green Tara Mantra The Green Tara practice is the most profound method for fulfilling wishes and removing obstacles. Practitioners are liberated from all sins, dispel evil obstacles and diseases, eliminate all disasters, prevent curses, suicides, madness, conflicts, bad omens, nightmares, diseases, epidemics, and livestock ailments, remove inauspiciousness related to years, months, days, and hours, and greatly increase wisdom, merit, authority, and lifespan. Those without children will conceive, and those seeking wealth or longevity will have their desires fulfilled. The merits and benefits of this practice are vast and inconceivable. For anyone wishing to fulfill their desires and alleviate fears, there is no practice more sublime than Tara's. Throughout history, both in India and Tibet, there are many examples of people who have successfully practiced this method and experienced auspicious signs. By praising and reciting prayers to Tara with devotion, such as the “Twenty-One Praises to Tara“ in the morning and evening, and frequently chanting her mantra, one can be liberated from the suffering of the six realms, free from all disasters and illnesses, remove obstacles and defilements, and particularly escape worldly poisons, enemies, and the sufferings of hell. Wealth, property, family, and servants will all increase, receiving the empowerment of countless Buddhas, with boundless and infinite merits. Ultimately, one can quickly achieve Buddhahood.