Haiti - Macoutes Anti US Invasion March

In the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince some one thousand Tonton Macoutes, who signed up to fight the US marines two days ago, marched from Army headquarters to the government palace shouting: “We are ready for the white man!“ The Macoutes raised their fists in defiance of a US invasion threat. The Haitian military was also put on show. SHOWS: PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI, 5/8 00:00 gvs of macoutes marching and cheering with their fists raised 00:09 back shot of the same 00:13 crowd of macoutes outside palace 00:16 mws crowds outside palace 00:23 ws as macoutes continue on their way 00:27 army marching band in square 00:32 mws of the same 00:36 soldiers marching from army headquarters to the palace 00:39 more soldiers marching 00:46 haitian police saluting as the march past palace 00:56 ENDS You can license this story through AP Archive: Find out