Kaya - Malefica (Official Music Video)

July 17,2023 Kaya 19th Single “VILLAINS” RELEASE!!『Malefica』MV Villain MV → 性別やジャンルの壁を歌とドレスであざやかに飛び越えるソロシンガーKayaが、自身の誕生日7月17日にシングル『VILLAINS』リリース決定! タイトルの通り『ヴィラン=悪役』をコンセプトにした本作は、作詞作曲をあをいはる(ひととなり/exマイナス人生オーケストラ)、ギターをマジョリカ・マジョルカ・マジカル☆ひもり (Jin-Machine)が担当。 Kayaの代名詞にもなりつつある『魔女』をメインキャラクターに据え、愛や葛藤をキャッチャーなサウンドであざやかに表現した『Malefica』と、自分自身と向き合いながら信じる道を切り開いていく強さ宿る『Villain』のダブルA面シングル。 カップリングに『哀れな人々』(映画「リトル・マーメイド」)と、『Call me Cruella』(映画『クルエラ』)という人気ディズニーヴィランズのカヴァーをそれぞれ収録。 そしてMusic Videoは現在絶賛公開中の映画『老ナルキソス』(ロサンゼルス・アジアンパシフィック映画祭最優秀長編賞受賞作品)脚本/監督の東海林毅氏が手掛ける。 昨年発表したバラエティに富んだフルアルバム『ROSE』を経て、更に進化するKayaを感じられる意欲作!! Music video director : 東海林毅 Tsuyoshi Shoji costume : Yck Kaya, a solo singer whose songs and dresses brilliantly transcend gender and genre barriers, will release his 19th single “VILLAINS” on his own birthday, July 17!As the title suggests, “Villains” is the concept of the album, with lyrics written by Haru Aoi (Hitotonari/ex Minus Life Orchestra) and guitar by Majolica Majorca Magical Himori (Jin-Machine). The double A-side single “Malefica”, which vividly expresses love and conflict with a catchy sound, and “Villain”, which shows the strength of Kaya as he confronts himself and forges a path he believes in! This double A-side single, “Villain,” is filled with the strength to face oneself and carve out a path that one believes in. The coupling songs “Aware na hitobito (Poor People)” (from the movie “The Little Mermaid”) and “Call me Cruella” (from the movie “Cruella”), a cover of popular Disney villains, will be included respectively. The music video will be directed by Tsuyoshi Shoji, writer/director of the critically acclaimed film “Old Narcissus” (winner of the Best Feature Film Award at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival). After last year’s full album “ROSE”, which was rich in variety, you can feel Kaya evolving even further in this ambitious work. In addition to the preliminary unveiling at the venue of his current solo 17th anniversary tour, an in-store event at Tower Records will also be held! ◆Get Kaya's Single “VILLAINS” here: ◆CD⇒タワーレコード・公式通販・ライブ会場にて販売! ◆ Kaya Official Website ◆ Kaya Official Twitter ◆ Kaya Official Instagram ◆ Kaya Official Channel Subscribe here!