Создание логотипа для компании по антеннам с помощью нейросети Midjourney

Промт 1: Design a surrealistic logo for an antenna company, showcasing a large, ethereal antenna that rises from a tranquil sea and pierces through a cloud-filled sky. The antenna itself should be twisted into an intricate spiral shape, radiating waves of iridescent light that scatter into tiny, sparkling particles. This scene should capture a sense of connectivity and the transmission of signals across vast, open spaces. The background can be a gradient from ocean blue at the bottom to a twilight purple above, reflecting the transition from the physical to the ethereal. Промт 2: Create a logo for an antenna company that embodies the theme of global communication in a surrealistic style. The image should feature a gigantic, golden antenna rooted on a small, lush, green island, surrounded by a vast ocean. The top of the antenna splits into several branches, each extending towards different constellations in the night sky, symbolizing the reach of the company’s technology across the globe. The stars should be connected by delicate, golden lines, forming a network that represents global connectivity. Промт 3: Develop a surrealistic logo for an antenna company that illustrates the fusion of technology and nature. The logo should depict an antenna that transforms into a tree, with its branches spreading wide and leaves that are subtly shaped like satellite dishes. This tree-antenna stands in the center of a serene desert, under a large, surreal moon that casts a gentle, silver light, emphasizing the blend of organic and technological elements. The scene should invoke a sense of peace and the pioneering spirit of the company in bridging natural and engineered solutions. Материал подготовил наш тестировщик и специалист по нейросетям Матвей. ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА НАС В СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ СЕТЯХ: Яндекс.Дзен: ВКонтакте: Rutube: Telegram: VvP5YFooc91-w2gH Youtube: @pirania302 Так же, можете обращаться по любым вопросам к основателю рекламного агентства “PIRANIA“ Жирнову Геннадию. Facebook: Instagram: Вконтакте: Pinterest: #Midjourney #нейросеть #нейросети #logo #логотип #созданиелоготипа #midjourneydiscord #ai #AIгенераторизображений