Short film - Nature Calm | Healing with Nature | English (HD)

We all search for something in life. Do you know why? Nature knows. Return to nature and find your answers: | Visit our link for a course in Forest Bathing / Shinrin-yoku | Short film credits: Nitin Das; Production: Katriina Kilpi; Bird shot: Pemba Romo, Greenhub; Music: Johnny Lithium, David O'Brien Nature Poem: SEARCHING What are you searching for? Nature knows A path to find yourself A purpose to turn your life A ray of hope A drop of joy A song for your heart A colour for your mood What are you seeking? Nature knows A moment of stillness A breath of freshness A memory to keep A burden to let go A spark for your spirit A calm for your soul Your search is a journey And your journey, is often your answer Nature knows ~Nitin Das (for )